středa 11. září 2013

Kyrgyzstan & Kyrgyz people

 Kyrgyzstan in general…

is not as tiny country as it seems, but if you would have around giants like China, Russia, Kazachstan, your country would look small too.
has about 5 milion inhabitans. Every one of a five lives in the capital city Bishkek. So we have 4 milion people living outside of Bishkek. Around 500 000 of them are living in other cities and the rest is just spread around.
is mountainous country. 40 % of land lies higher than 3000 m above the sea level. There is also little part of Himalayas and the highest peak of 7439 m.
has two official languagues – Russian and Kyrgyz. Russian is more typical for northen parts, kyrgyzs for southern and villages. English is not getting more and more widespread but you can still meet a lot of places where people cannot speak English.
Has enormous amount of drinking water. And the water in rivers is pure and tasty. You can just drink it right away.
Has very, very cheap electricity. Kyrgyzstan has ideal conditions for hydro power plants and hydro power plants can produce lot of cheap and green energy.

Kyrgyz people…

have high level of hospitality. They will do almost everything to make their hosts feel good.
just don’t rush. They will move slowly, work slowly without stress so they can enjoy little moments of a causal day.
are supportive. They will not anyone let down even if he failed at performance.
dont like plans and strict schedules. They will rather let plans open to make intuitive changes.
like to speak a lot. They are ready to speak at any moment.
are good sellers and they like negotiating. If you are able to negotiate the price of stuff or services, they might be happier about it than if you would just pay more right away.
usually don’t see much difference between work and free time. That seems to be caused because lot of them are just retailers. It has two coincidences. Firstly they will try to make a deal all day long. Secondly they are happy when they working, because it is also their leisure time.

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