neděle 8. září 2013

Hospital in Cholpon-Ata

CZE: Nejvíc jsem se rozepsal asi v téhle zprávě na FB... Psáno přímo z nemocnice... nechám to tak, nechci se k tomu vracet ani v myšlenkách.

This msg has been written in the hospital with all that emotions. Let's keep it with all the original mistakees.

Hi Paulie, it looked very bad at beginin but not that bad now.
Me, Crystal and Jan went on to teip on 25th to Karakol where we meet my friend from orlenok called Eldos. All 4 of us stayed in a hotel first night, and then go to some mountain by jeep taxi. The mountain is known for hot springs. The way up was amaizing. Pretty nature with adrenalin of bad roads. Really bad roads even our 4x4 30 years old army jeep has problems to drive there. On the top there were a lot of animals, nice river, mountains and good looking buildings. Inside one of them there was thermal spa or bath for 200 soms per one. We decided to go there and that water was full of minerals and really relaxing. Jan and I decided to jump to the cold river after this hot bath. So we did. Than go back to bath and relax... Really good times. After few hours up there we got on to jeep and go back. In Karakol we visited one good restaurant suggested in turist office. Food was ok, toalets was kyrgyzs... But fully fed, we went to take intercity taxi to near village where we were invited by Eldos. There was one station for that kind of taxi in town and unfortunatelly we came late. No taxi there. It was getting dark and Karakol is probably not the safest city in the world so we decided to find hostel in the city instead of looking for a special and expensive taxi. We found hostel but full. Than another full, than a hotel which was expansive. Eldos tried to call some friend and one of them said that he will take us to the village. We just need to his house in Karakol. So we walked... After half an hour I asked how far is that. Answer was average 200 meters. Yes that was typicall lie. Some people dont care liying to you just to dont pissed you at the moment. They dont think to the future so they dont care about thing that your futute angryness will be much bigger. Of course it was after 10 times longer walk. I thing this was one of the 2 moments in kg that I was really pissed. But we finally did it and got on a car and go to village. Suprise suprise, guy asked for 500 for gas. Whatever... We finally grt to the village and to his home. Suprisingly enought there was signal so was the internet. Our mood was getting better until the moment Jan has recived msg from father linking to BBC that a guy died in north east of the Kyrgyzstan near Karakol to burbonic plague... That was cruel. We started to worried little bit. Somehow we managed to fall asleep,s sleep well and woke up in the morning. We went to take a taxi to Karakol, get on it and when it started movement, our harts just stoped beating. The name of the village was the same as the name of the village a boy was from that died. I dont remember exactly what was happening next, but our worries were just escalating. We were in karakol, we canceled our planned trip to jeti oguz and got ours asses out of this place. Sat on the first marshutka to bishkek and drive. I get off in cholpon ata to join other group. Went to their place fall asleep, woke up with terrible headache and stmakache, called mum, she called doctor in czech he adviced me to visit immediately doctor and start to take antibiotics. Even thought the probability of infecting is very low, this disease is deadly when uncured. So I visited a doctor they sent me to hospital and there there I. For third day living in a closed roob visited only by full skin mouth and eye protected personal.

But I fell good now temperature is almost gane sp is headache, stomach is getting to a normal state and the say that all their analysis havent found match with that plegue. That I have just angina because of the jumping to freezing cold water. But to be sure we need to wait for bloodtest.
Wow this might be my longest fb msg ever. Definitely the longest I wrote on a mobile. Now lets see if you will read it all

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